Legal Notice


Director of the publication

Bernard Giraud, President of Livelihoods Venture..

Website host

Website content

Livelihoods Venture endeavours to ensure the information provided on this website is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to emend its content at any time without notice. Livelihoods Venture does not warrant said information’s accuracy, completeness, veracity, nor that it has not been modified by a third party. Besides, Livelihoods Venture accepts no liability, directly or indirectly, in case the information hereof contains errors or omissions and regarding the use to which it may be put by any recipient. This website is intended for personal use only and not for commercial purposes.

Links to other sites

On this website,, Livelihoods Venture suggests links to other social networks, to partners’ or third parties’ websites, which do not fall within the scope of the present Legal statement. Said links were made in agreement with the websites concerned, at a moment when Livelihoods found relevant to do so, having regard to their contents and services.

Livelihoods does not accept any liability whatsoever arising from said websites’ content or from the use to which it may be put by any user.

Personal data

All information gathered on this website are subject to a computer process aiming at providing you with a personalised answer. The recipient of the data is Livelihoods Venture. In accordance with the (French) 1978 Act “Informatique et libertés” as amended in 2004, you have a right to access and modify your personal data, which you can exercise by writing to: You also may oppose the processing of your personal data upon legitimate grounds.


This website also employs Google analytics so as to compile traffic statistics. In this case, cookies may be used to analyse this website’s performance (i.e.: number of visits, page views …).  No personal data is collected in this case.
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The present website, is powered by WordPress and Salient and remains, together with its content, the property of Livelihoods Venture.
Photographs credits: Hellio-Vaningen, Nicolas Gauduchon, Lionel Charrier, Gérard Tordjman, Louis Perrin, Livelihoods Venture.
All intellectual property rights relating to reproductions made on this website are protected. Unless duly authorized, all uses other than personal and private consultation are forbidden.

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