Livelihoods Fund and the Naandi Foundation on Radio France International (RFI)
Anne-Cécile Bras, producer of “C’est pas du vent” on Radio France International RFI was in India, where she participated in the Livelihoods Network Camp in Araku Valley.
She followed the 130 participants from 21 countries, NGOs, private companies and public institutions who worked together to co-develop practical solutions that combine environmental protection and the fight against poverty: patterns of agricultural production agro-forestry, access in renewable energy technologies, development of local agricultural production, improving nutrition and health, etc.
Through sounds of the city and of villages, songs of children, interviews, words of various participants in the Livelihoods Network Camp, Anne-Cécile and his team give us an hour to live emotions and give us especially a simple and precise explanation of the functioning of Livelihoods…
We suggest you to listen to the programme (In French)