D-day -30 for Livelihoods Network Camp to be held on 8-10th October 2012…

028_ZJ_08222.jpg…in Araku valley in India. It will be three days of intense co-construction, networking, experiences sharing together to produce viable solutions for a better future. These solutions will be applicable both for the Livelihoods Araku project and for other projects in the world.  

To know more about the Livelihoods Network Camp, please click here


We suggest you this video: “The Araku way of life” that present this special area where the camp will hold. Beyond the land, the Naandi Foundation presents one of its prides: The Araku Fair-trade Organic Coffee Project.

The Araku Way of Life is a visual account of Naandi Foundation’s Araku Fair-trade Organic Coffee Project. Although the tribal people of Vishakapatnam district have been growing coffee since the 1970s, the movement to grow organic coffee has only emerged in recent years. Naandi provides backward and forward linkages to the coffee farmers that include training in sustainable agricultural practices, setting up a state-of-art coffee processing unit and formation of a Small & Marginal Tribal Farmers Mutually Aided Co-operative Society (SAMTFMACS) with a connect to the international market. This intervention has improved the lives of the farmers significantly, given them secured livelihood and has instilled a sense of pride in them