Our Mission​

We empower farmers and rural communities with efficient agricultural models

At Livelihoods, we’re committed to creating meaningful, long-lasting change by taking a practical, holistic approach to sustainability. We work at the intersection of climate action and sustainable sourcing, helping businesses achieve their net zero goals while transforming their supply chains for the future.Our focus is on integrating regenerative agriculture and nature-based solutions, ensuring that environmental impact and sourcing practices are aligned to deliver real, measurable results.

We believe that farmers and rural communities across who are deeply connected to their local environments and specific contexts are central to the transformation we need. They are the ones who directly depend on the land, and by empowering them as the key actors of change, we’re building a more resilient and sustainable future for everyone.

At Livelihoods, we believe in the power of people and the promise of our planet.

Our Mission

Our Mission Sustainability at the service of communities Resilience & value creation

Check out our projects

A lookback to 15 years of action in the field

Check out the video !

About Livelihoods partners

A collective adventure supporting people, climate & biodiversity, worldwide Livelihoods projects are implemented in the field by valued partners: individuals who act daily on the ground to address people’s well-being, climate solutions & biodiversity preservation simultaneously. The vast majority of them are local grassroot NGOs who are committed to their rural communities and landscape. To date, Livelihoods has been working closely with 56 partner organisations, whose dedication, long-term commitment and daily work contribute to making significant positive changes for rural communities and the natural ecosystems their livelihoods strongly depends on.

Our Social Business: Livelihoods Venture

The Livelihoods Funds (both LCF & L3F) are advised by Livelihoods Venture, our social business based in Paris. Livelihoods Venture has the responsibility to identify, design and accompany Livelihoods projects that are implemented by our local project developers, which most of the time are well-established local NGOs and have been working closely with rural communities and empower them to be the positive drivers of change.


Why Livelihoods?

Livelihoods was born out of the realization that the fight against climate change and the preservation of natural resources is inseparable from the fight for dignity, led by the men and women whose livelihoods depend on and live off the land they cultivate.

Livelihoods was created with the conviction that the transition towards resilient businesses, communities and ecosystems cannot be achieved by one business alone. Instead, coalitions involving local communities, private and public actors can enable us to achieve the necessary and urgent transformations for a more resilient world.

Livelihoods is also based on the conviction that no transformational change can succeed without a shared responsibility and a strong involvement of both the rural communities we work with and our investors.

Learn more about our 10 principles of action in:

Join Forces For Impact At Scale

Livelihoods is a link between economic actors and institutions that act decisively for the environment through actions with long-term ecological, economic, and social impact on the one hand, and the communities for whom these actions are vital, on the other hand.

The Livelihoods Funds are supported by private companies who are committed to generate positive impact by offsetting their unavoidable carbon emissions and transforming their supply chains through sustainable and transparent agricultural models. All Livelihoods investors work together to share business knowledge, investment risks for project implementation and maintenance during the whole duration of our projects: 10 to 20 years.

The companies that support Livelihoods Funds are committed to drive social, environmental and economic impact: beyond financing, they provide their expertise, are involved in the decision making of Livelihoods Funds governance. They are fully involved and close to the project developers, farmers, and local communities in the geographies where we operate: Asia, Africa, Latin America.

Our investors